10 May 2015

On the 8th of May, 2015, Podgorica celebrated the Day of Europe. This same day, a group of young people, part of the Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue, got the opportunity to engage and promote youth participation and democracy in the National Parliament of Montenegro. The Parliament opened its doors in welcome of these young people who saluted the preparedness and openness of this important institution.

The young participants had a chance not only to visit the Parliament but also engage in debate with Members of the Parliament. The panel discussion was held with seven MPs: who presented their work to the youth and discussed on the topic “Youth in the process of EU Integration”. The young group had the opportunity not only to hear the professional political approach towards youth in their part of EU accession, but also to ask questions and share ideas.

“The youth are the main reason why the Balkans is moving towards EU, the youth have the power to build stronger paths” said Marija Maja Ćatović, MP and President of the committee for European Integration. The youngsters were particularly interested in the state of youth participation in Montenegro and the Region. The MPs were glad to answer “it is because of the young that we are working really hard to modernize democracy, you are the future of our countries” stated MP Catovic.

The youngsters particularly enjoyed the visit of the Parliament plenary room where the members of the Parliament hold their sessions. They were sitting in the places of the Members of the Parliament and were being presented the work of the Parliament and its history. The group even had a short unofficial meeting with the President of the Parliament. It was a great opportunity to talk about the work of the Parliament.

This event was part of a three-day study visit, followed by visits to NGOs, Europe Day performance and the General Assembly of ALDA. The event is part of the IPA Operational Grant project funded by the EU, through the programme Civil Society Facility - Operating Grants to IPA CSO Associations. The programme is coordinated by the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies together with 8 LDAs from 5 Balkan countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. 


Dana 8. maja 2015. godine, u Podgorici je obilježen Dan Evrope. Isti dan, grupa mladih ljudi, dio Regionalne platforme za učešće i dijalog mladih Balkana, dobili su priliku da promovišu demokratiju i učešće mladih u Narodnoj Skupštini Crne Gore. Parlament je otvorio svoja vrata mladim ljudima koji su pozdravili spremnost i otvorenost ove važne institucije.

Mladi učesnici su imali priliku ne samo da posjete Skupštinu, već i da se uključe u raspravu sa poslanicima u Skupštini. Panel diskusija je održana sa sedam poslanika koji su predstavili svoj rad i diskutovati na temu "Mladi u procesu integracije u EU ". Grupa je imala priliku ne samo da čuje pristup politike prema mladima u dijelu pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji, ali i da postavi pitanja i podjeli svoje ideje.

"Mladi su glavni razlog zašto se Balkan kreće ka EU, mladi imaju moć da utabaju čvršće staze", rekla je Marija Maja Ćatović, poslanik i predsednik Odbora za evropske integracije. Mladi su bili posebno zainteresovani u učešću mladih u Crnoj Gori i regionu. Poslanici su posebno istakli " zbog mladih radimo zaista naporno na modernizaciji demokratije, vi ste budućnost naših zemalja", rekla je poslanica Ćatović.

Mladi su posebno uživali u posjeti plenarnoj sali Skupštine, gde članovi Skupštine održavaju svoje sjednice. Sjedili su na mjestima poslanika gde im je predstavljen rad Skupštine i njena istorija. Grupa je čak imala i kratak nezvaničan sastanak sa predsjednikom Skupštine. To je bila odlična prilika da se razgovara o radu Skupštine.

Ovaj događaj je bio dio trodnevne studijske posjete, kojia je uključila i posjetu NVO, učešće na proslavi Dana Evrope i Generalnoj skupštini ALDA. Aktivnosti je dio IPA Operativnog granta - projekta koji finansira EU kroz program Civil Society Facility - operativni grantovi za IPA OCD udruženja. Program je koordiniran od strane ALDA, zajedno sa 8 ALD iz 5 zemalja Balkana: Makedonije, Srbije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine i Kosova.

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Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

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