Orti famigliari

Orti famigliari

Projekt „Porodične bašte“ karakteriše aktivnosti saradnje ALD-a Zavidovići sa partnerima iz Italije i već deset godina se nastavlja u vidu pružanja edukacije i pomoći ženama koje se bave poljoprivrednim aktivnostima, u cilju povećanja proizvodnje i kvaliteta proizvoda za samopotrošnju i prodaju u malom obimu. Sigurnost hrane, održivost i produktivnost porodičnog poljoprivrednog rada predstavljaju osnovni resurs za mnoge porodice u kontekstu ekonomske stagnacije i ozbiljnog osiromašenja velikih slojeva stanovništva. Efekti pandemije, klimatske promjene i migracije znatno su pogoršali životne uslove dijela stanovništva i dalje povećavaju izolaciju ruralnih područja, ovo je posebno uticalo na žene da se posvete većoj proizvodnji povrća i…
Projekt „Porodične bašte“ karakteriše aktivnosti saradnje ALD-a Zavidovići sa partnerima iz Italije i već nekoliko godina se nastavlja u vidu pružanja edukacije i pomoći ženama koje se bave poljoprivrednim aktivnostima, u cilju povećanja proizvodnje i kvaliteta proizvoda za samopotrošnju i prodaju u malom obimu. Sigurnost hrane, održivost i produktivnost porodičnog poljoprivrednog rada predstavljaju osnovni resurs za mnoge porodice u kontekstu ekonomske stagnacije i ozbiljnog osiromašenja velikih slojeva stanovništva. Efekti pandemije, klimatske promjene i migracije znatno su pogoršali životne uslove dijela stanovništva i dalje povećavaju izolaciju ruralnih područja, ovo je posebno uticalo na žene da se posvete većoj proizvodnji povrća i…
Pozivaju se svi zainteresovani izlagači da se prijave na drugu ovogodišnju izložbu poljoprivrednih proizvoda i domaćih rukotvorina prodajno-sajamskog karaktera. Izložba će se održati u okviru manifestacije "Ljeto u gradu" na dan 13.08.2022 (subota) sa početkom u 18.oo h. Prijave se mogu izvršiti na brojeve telefona 032/878/404 i 061/704/834 do 11.08.2022.
The exhibition of domestic agricultural products and handicrafts was held in Zavidovići on July 3, 2021. The local association of farmers "Agro-Dolina" was the organizer of the exhibition with the support of the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići and the Municipality of Zavidovići. The exhibition was held under the slogan "Let's support domestic - Local product - Zavidovići". The aim of the exhibition was to provide producers with a space where they can present their products, create an opportunity to get to know each other better, exchange experiences and establish cooperation for future activities, as well as promote the purchase of…
The "Family Gardens" project characterizes the cooperation activities of LDA Zavidovići with partners in Italy since 2014 and continues throughout the years in providing education and assistance to women engaged in agricultural activities, in order to increase production and quality of products for own consumption and sale on a small scale. Food security, sustainability and productivity of family farming are a basic resource for many families in the context of economic stagnation and serious impoverishment of large sections of the population. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have significantly worsened the living conditions of part of the population and further…
Local democracy agency Zavidovići continues an educational program entitled "Family gardens" for women dealing with agriculture on smaller level. This year beneficiaries of the project will be participants from the local community of Vozuća. The local community of Vozuća is in the focus as it is one of the most distant and underdeveloped local community in area of Zavidovići municipality. In first part of April, agronomist Ivan Antunović gave lectures on the topics of growing seasonal vegetables in open air and greenhouses, cultivation of berries, fruit and organic production. After the lectures, the participants will have technical support by the…
Also this year the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići, in partnership with the Association “Sigurno mjesto”, continued an educational program entitled "Family gardens", which consists of educational lectures on agricultural production, field visits of agronomists and giving expert opinions and advices. All participants of the program received financial contribution for the purchase of materials for the spring sowing. The program included 8 families from the local community Dolac, 17 women from the Association of Women "Pašinke" from Hajderovići, and 20 men from the local community Dolina who are engaged in raspberry cultivation and which focused on educational workshops was the cultivation…
During 2017 continued the project “Family Gardens” implemented by the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići, after the positive experiences of 2015 and 2016 which were followed by two surveys of data obtained from a questionnaire proposed to the women involved in the project: Kako Ste? Alcuni dati da un questionario Obrađujem baštu… coltivo un orto ... e altri dati da un questionario You can look at these works (https://www.lda-zavidovici.org/publications/category/8-orti-famigliari) for socio-demographic contextualization. Also in 2017, the activities involved women and families carrying out agricultural activities for self-consumption and small-scale trade, continuing to have the purpose of contributing to income and productive…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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