06 Jun 2015

Promoting citizen participation in democratic local policy-making in Western Balkans: status and perspectives?

The international conference “Promoting citizen participation in democratic local policy-making in Western Balkans: status and perspectives?” will be one of our main initiatives in 2015 in Western Balkans as an occasion to capitalise the work developed in the field of citizen participation at the local level since the establishment of the first Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Subotica. The event will take place in Prijedor (BiH) on 9 June and will gather together key European and local stakeholders in order to assess the achievements and challenges ahead in the EU integration process in Western Balkans.

Europe for citizensThe conference will launch the final three day activity of the project DECIDE – DEmocratic Compact: Improving Democracy in Europe. DECIDE is a key initiative to promoting citizen participation in public life and in the decision making process at the local level. The project, funded by the Europe for Citizens programme, aims, through the establishment of a thematic network of towns and by adopting a bottom-up approach, to develop a democratic compact, namely a set of measures to increase the quality of democracy and citizen participation at local level both in the EU and Western Balkans.

More than 30 good practices have been identified, exchanged, further elaborated and tested by the consortium of 24 municipalities and civil society organisations coming from 14 different countries in wider Europe: 4 countries of the “old” EU15, 6 countries accessing the EU between 2004 and 2007 and 4 IPA countries. This has allowed an enriching exchange among partners with different track record in the EU and its enlargement area, therefore contributing to develop a sense of belonging to a common “house”. 

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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