Twelve local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina are currently implementing the ELoGE program of the Council of Europe within the “LINK 4 Cooperation” project, founded by the European Union. This comprehensive capacity self-assessment process based on 12 principles of good local governnance is a tool which deeply scans all areas of local government and is an excellent landmark and basis from which mmunicipalities and cities can make improvements in all areas that are more challanged.
The Local Democracy Agency Mostar is the holder of the first and only accredited platform for the implementation of the ELoGE methodology in Bosnia and Hezegovina, which also includes the other members of the project consortium. A total of 16 representatives of this platform have been certified by the Council of Europe for the implementation of ELoGE, and are available to local governments as mentors during the implementation of this process.
In accordance with the ELoGE methodology, the self-assessment of the local government is referred for analysis to an independent commission composed of local government experts. Members of the evaluation commission make a final assessment on meeting the minimum prerequisites for awarding the ELoGE certificate and the symbolic award – the ELoGE crystal dodecahedron to the local governments.
It is important to emphasize that the ELoGE program of the Council of Europe is being implemented for the first time in BiH as part of the “LINK 4 Cooperation” project, and that BiH is also the first country outside the European Union where this program is implemented.
A total of 12 local governments from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina are included in the activities of the “LINK 4 cooperation” project, with the aim of improving their capacity, transparency and responsibility.
Dvanaest lokalnih samouprava trenutno provodi ELoGE program Vijeća Evrope koz projekt ”LINK za saradnju/suradnju’’, finansiran sredstvima Evropske unije. Ovaj opsežan proces samouprocjene kapaciteta koji se bazira na 12 principa dobre lokalne uprave je zapravo alat koji duboko skenira sva područja djelovanja lokalne samouprave i bit će odličan orjentir i osnova s koje općine/opštine i gradovi mogu učiniti poboljšanja u svim područjima koja se pokažu ne tako dobra.
Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar nositeljica je prve i jedine akreditirane platforme za provedbu ELoGE metodologije, koju još čine i ostale članice projektnog konzorcija. Ukupno 16 predstavnika ove platforme certificirano je od Vijeća Evrope za provedbu ELoGE-a, te da su tijekom provedbe ovog procesa na raspolaganju lokalnim samoupravama u svojstvu mentora.
U skladu s ELoGE metodologijom, samoprocjena lokalne samouprave upućuje se na analizu neovisnoj komisiji sastavljenoj od stručnjaka za lokalnu upravu, a članovi komisije donose konačnu ocjenu o zadovoljavanju minimalnih preduvjeta za dodjelu ELoGE certifikata i simbolične nagrade – ELoGE kristalnog dodekaedra.
Važno je naglasiti kako se ELoGE program Vijeća Europe prvi put implementira na području BiH i to u sklopu projekta ”LINK za saradnju/suradnju”, te je BiH ujedno i prva država izvan Evropske unije u kojoj se ovaj program provodi.
Ukupno 12 lokalnih samouprava s prostora Bosne i Hercegovine obuhvaćeno je aktivnostima projekta ”LINK za saradnju/suradnju’’, s ciljem unaprijeđenja sposobnost, transparentnost i odgovornost istih.