Local Democracy Agency Mostar invites all civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the Participatory Democracy Network formed within the project “LINK 4 Cooperation” via the following LINK.
Empower your CSO and local community!
What are the benefits of becoming a member of the Network?
An opportunity for education and capacity building of your organization through the training cycle of the Leadership Academy (LAP) program of the Council of Europe
The possibility of applying for funds through the grant scheme in 2023 (the third year of the project)
An opportunity to sign a memorandum of understanding with local government for the purpose of developing relations and continuous cooperation
Promotion of the initiatives and examples of good practice through the following LINK.
LINK 4 Cooperation project is financed by the European Union.
Pozivamo sve organizacije civilnog društva s područja Bosne i Hercegovine da se pridruže Mreži za participativnu demokratiju formiranu kroz projekt ”LINK za saradnju/suradnju” putem sljedećeg LINKA.
Osnažite svoj OCD i lokalnu zajednicu!
Šta dobivate članstvom u Mreži?
Priliku za edukaciju i razvoj kapaciteta svoje organizacije kroz ciklus treninga programa Akademije liderstva (LAP) Vijeća/Savjeta Evrope
Mogućnost apliciranja za sredstva kroz grant shemu u 2023. godini (treća godina projekta)
Priliku za sklapanje memoranduma o razumijevanju s jedinicama lokalnih samouprava u svrhu razvoja odnosa i kontinuirane saradnje
Promoviranje vlastitih inicijativa i primjera dobre prakse putem LINKA
Projekt LINK za saradnju/suradnju finansira Europska unija.