On 9-11th June 2015, the final event of project DECIDE took place in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Active Citizenship Project Manager, Aldo Xhani, was in charge of this important event. The project DECIDE – DEmocratic Compact: Improving Democracy in Europe focused on developing the set of measures to improve the quality of democracy and citizen participation in Europe through establishment of thematic network of towns and by adopting a bottom-up approach.
To the International Conference, Promoting citizen participation in democratic local policy-making in Western Balkans: status and perspectives?, held on 9th June 2015, were present several speakers who discussed the issues such as citizen participation in democratic local policy-making in Western Balkans and the local perspectives to citizen participation. The speakers were:
- Mr Giulio Zanni, Head of Banja Luka Office at Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ms Zeljka Mirkovic, Democratic Development Officer, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ms Vladimira Vucic, Senior Programme Manager, National Democratic Institute
- Ms Milanka Sopin, Asistant of Minister of Public Administration and Local government
- Ms Cristina Bertotti, Associazione Prijedor, on behalf of Ms Sara Ferrari, Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy
- Ms Dzenana Dedic, Delegate Local Democracy Agency Mostar
- Mr Dragan Dosen, Director of LDA Prijedor
- Mr Miso Reljic, Director of the PREDA, Agency for Economic Development of the Municipality of Prijdor
- Ms Murisa Maric, Executive Director of Association of citizens “DON”
- Ms Ljuljjeta Goranci Brkic, Nansen Dialogue Center Prijedor
- Ms Sladana Bundalo, UNDP Local Democracy Project (LOD)
At the end of the International Conference the partners of project DECIDE signed the Memorandum of Understanding committing themselves to continue with long-lasting cooperation, so the sustainability of the project was assured.
The Final event in Prijedor gathered all partners of the project whose task was to talk about their experiences with implementing different approaches and think about the measures, which can be used to improve democracy in European countries, thus developing a full, innovative “Democratic compact”.