Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue

Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue

The project at a glance:
This one-year project (commencement date: 1 January 2015) submitted within the priority 5 – promotion of social and economic inclusion of age groups that risk marginalisation and in particular youngsters, as the Operating Grant intended to support the work of LDAs in the Western Balkan countries to contribute more effectively in structuring regional thematic cooperation and coordination between CSOs and public authorities from targeted countries and help improve environment for youth activism and participation, in particular of young people with fewer opportunities

The Partnership:

Applicant: ALDA
Co-applicants: LDA Montenegro, LDA Mostar, LDA Zavidovici, LDA Prijedor, LDA Central Serbia, LDA Subotica, LDA Kosovo

Partner: ALDA Skopje (FYROM)

Duration 12 months
Locations: Mostar, Knjazevac, Podgorica, Subotica
Total project value: 201.782 EUR

The first Project activities hosted by the LDA Mostar team members, consisted of the Steering group meeting, Regional Network meeting for consultations and preparing the draft Regional Co-operation Platform, combined with the trainings for youth engagement workers and the LDA Delegates from Western Balkan countries.
After a long series of skype meetings throughout December, local action planning and coordination work by the Delegates of Local Democracy Agencies all the relevant stakeholders were present – CSOs, local self-governments and youth groups from Mostar, Zavidovici, Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Subotica, Knjazevac (Serbia), Niksic (Montenegro), Peja/Pec (Kosovo*) and ALDA Skopje, municipality Vevcani (Macedonia). In this way, the project Steering group was established (three members per partner, 27 members), the Detailed Activity plan and Visibility plan were adopted.
The main project activities include capacity building and thematic networking promote social and economic inclusion of age groups that risk marginalisation and in particular youngsters, and will be implemented by LDAs in the Western Balkan countries through structured regional thematic cooperation engaging CSOs and public authorities to help improve environment for youth activism and participation, in particular of young people with fewer opportunities. Capacity building, knowledge and information share will serve as the main tools to strengthen youth groups for active citizenship and participation in policy / decision making at local level, but even more at regional level through monitoring the implementation of public policies towards EU integration of the Western Balkans. Specific attention will be given to awareness raising among policy and decision makers at regional and local level on EU standards and practices of youth participation and EU Programmes 2014-2020 intended for youth.
With this in view, the LDAs involved in the action will be working together and provide all necessary support to newly appointed Youth Engagement Workers ( members of the Regional Youth Working Group) and Local Youth Advisory Groups to contribute to achieving the project results. 
In addition, the project launch activity was dedicated to preparing the Regional Co-operation Platform for the adoption at the level of Regional Network group meeting.

The project  was launched in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 27-29 January 2015.

LDA Zavidovići is proud to be a partner in the project Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue, which was awarded a grant by Western Balkans Fund in the first call for project proposals. The lead applicant of the project, European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), attended the ceremony of awarding the certificates for the 18 grantees in Tirana, Albania. The 18 winning projects were chosen from a total of 351 applications from the Western Balkan countries. The winning project will also be the first one that will implement an activity supported by the Western Balkans Fund. Namely, the…
Agencija Lokalne Demokratije Zavidovići raspisuje Javni poziv za dodjelu sredstava za Lokalne inicijative mladih Zavidovića namijenjen neformalim grupama mladih i organizacijama mladih koja djeluju na području općine Zavidovići. Pozivamo mlade sa područja općine Zavidovići da podnesu svoje aplikacije za lokalne inicijative koje će doprinijeti: Jačanju kapaciteta mladih (neformalnih grupa mladih i organizacija mladih) za aktivno građanstvo i participaciju u životu njihovih lokalnih zajednica, posebno u procesima donošenja politika i odluka; Povećanom uključivanju mladih sa manjim mogućnostima u lokalne aktivnosti koje promovišu učešće mladih; Povećanju fokusa javnih vlasti u ciljanim zajednicama na potrebe mladih u procesima donošenja politika i odluka; Promovisanju…
On the 12th March 2017, LDA Zavidovici organized activity “Youth taking over day” as a channel of communication between local authorities and young people established within the project “Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue” in the Municipality of Zavidovici. The topic of the event was „Youth council's role, legal framework and youth policies“. The guest speakers were Katarina Vučković, Amela Sačić and Mirela Geko as representatives of the Institute for Youth Development Kult from Sarajevo and Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the event youth had opportunity to learn about youth policies, legal framework,…
Representatives of municipalities, LDAs, ALDA Skopje, ALDA and LDA Albania met in Podgorica for three days to discuss the activities in the 4th year of the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue, as well as their development as a network and the new projects they’re implementing. 2018 is the final year of the implementation of the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue, but it’s not the end for the Regional Network for Local Democracy. The activities to follow have the aim to strengthen the cooperation between the involved LDAs and municipalities and to bring innovative ways…
"My city - Intercultural city" is the activity of young people within the project "Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue". The aim of the activity was to promote the cultural and social participation of young people in the local community through research of the presence of different cultures in Zavidovići. A group of young people, with the help of Dragan Šimšić as a mentor, collected materials and facts about the past of Zavidovići. Zavidovici as an urban settlement was formed at the end of the XIX century and its development was in direct connection with exploitation of wood,…
The final event of the project „The Festival of Children's Theater“ supported through the Local Youth Initiative Fund within the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue was organized by the Association “Ceker” Zavidovići on the 25th of November 2017. The event took place in the large hall of the Center for Culture Zavidovići in the presence of large audience. The festival was intended for the youngest pupils of elementary schools in the area of ​​Zavidovići and surrounding towns. Participation at the festival took over a hundred children and six elementary schools from Zavidovici, Maglaj and Doboj Jug. Primary…
Street basket 3x3 Zavidovici and Rock night for youth was the initiative from the youth organization „SKU Animus“ which applied on Local Youth Fund within Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue. This was second Street basket Tournament in Zavidovici, as the previous one was in 2016. This year the tournament was organized from 15th until 17th of July 2017 in the Partizan Sport Center and the concert of Zabranjeno Pušenje was held on 15th of July in front of Sport Hall in Zavidovici. The tournament was added on FIBA’s (International Basketball Federation) calendar of the events. The tournament…
5th, 16th and 17th of July, high school students and activists from Zavidovići worked on wall design at the Partizan Sports Center, on the implementation of the "Pokreni se ( Move yourself)!" project. The bigest share of project implementation was taken by Secondary school students, and the project was funded from the Social Day of the Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina and through the Local Youth Fund within the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue. The project idea is to send a clear affirmative message to school students and all the young people in…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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