Youth Exchanges

Youth Exchanges

LDA Zavidovici participated in the youth exchange "Gender cooperation 1.0" which was held in Turin from 29 July to 9 August. LDA Zavidovici sent four students from Zavidovici Emir Muhic, Dzenan Catic, Almedina Rahmanović and Žuna Melissa, and as a group leader Vesna Nikolov, volunteer from France. Other organizations that participated in this exchange come from Georgia (Union of the Women Center), Estonia (Seiklejate Vennaskond), Moldova (Creatorii), Turkey (System ve Jenerasyon Dernegi) and Italy (EquaMente). This youth exchange was an opportunity to discuss many topics that are related to issues of gender equality, gender-based violence, conflict and the LGBT community.…
IISS Des Ambrois - Oulx, Italia Adl, Associazione per l’Ambasciata della Democrazia Locale a Zavidovići, BosniaErzegovina Mostra fotografica3 luglio - 12 luglio 2015 PAESAGGI BOSNIACI.FRATTURE E OLTREPASSAMENTI. Differenti sguardi su paesaggi naturali, sociali, storici e culturali della Bosnia Erzegovina sono il risultato di una ricerca fotografica che ha visto lavorare insieme giovani e studenti di scuola superiore e di università, italiani e bosniaci, fotografi, ricercatori sociali che hanno percorso strade, attraversato città, osservato luoghi, discusso i segni di un territorio cruciale d’Europa. Coordinamento della ricerca: Maria Perino e Piero Gorza. Coordinamento didattico: Fabio Di Evangelista. Organizzazione: Slađan Ilić. Autori: Haris…
LDA Zavidovici has been invited to participate to the youth exchange « Gender cooperation 1.0 » which will take place in Torino from the 29th of July to the 9th of August, with others participants send by organisation from Georgia (Union of the Women Center), Estonia (Seiklejate Vennaskond), Moldovia (Creatorii), Turkey (System ve Jenerasyon Dernegi) and Italy (EquaMente). This youth exchange will be the occasion to discuss on many topics related to gender issues, such as gender violence, conflict, LGBT. In the end, 30 young people will be attending this event, each organisation sending 4 participants from 18 years old…
The 8-day training of Project EYES – European Youth Environment Sentinels – was hosted in Vicenza, Italy, from 21 to 28 June. The initiative was organised by ALDA in partnership with ISBEM and other 18 organisations active in environmental protection and youth participation. Forty-five participants coming from 15 countries was involved in the training, that in first days gave them the opportunity to know each other, to learn more about the ERASMUS+ programme, and to start working on the exchange of good practices on health and environmental protection. Between the 15 countries and fourty – five participants, the Embassy of…
Those previews of the natural, social, historical and cultural aspects of Bosnia-Herzegovina are the result of photographic work and social research. Young people, students of secondary school and university, Italian and Bosnian, photographers and social scientists walked the streets of Bosnian's cities, observed the places, exchanged on the signs of this crucial European territory. Resarch coordination: Maria Perino, Piero Gorza Didactic coordination: Fabio Di Evangelista Organization: Slađan Ilić Contributed: Andrea Rossini – Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, Dragan Šimšić insegnante e poeta a Zavidovići, Slađana Miljević, Tommaso Acler – Adl Prijedor. This project is also the result of the long-term commitment of…
In cooperation with Consorzio Leonardo and other 17 organisations from across wider Europe, LDA Zavidovići will be participate in the seven-day training course as activity of the project Work on Social Cooperation (WOSOCOOP) starting from the 25. January 2015. The project is funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus + programme under the K Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals Vocational Education and Training (VET) learner and staff mobility. The aim of the project is to tackle youth unemployment by bringing together 40 youth workers from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania, Georgia, Bosnia and…
LDA Zavidovici was a partner in the project „Transition Youth: several suggestions for a new active citizenship“, which is funded by the EU as a part of the European Comission's platform Youth in Action. As a part of this project, four young people and one team leader from Zavidovici participated in a youth exchange that took place in Torino, Italy, in the period form October 26th to November 5th 2013. The host organisation was be Cooperativa Isola from Italy, and, besides Italy and BiH, participants came from Croatia, Serbia, Portugal, and Poland. Two representatives of the LDA Zavidovici have visited…
LDA Zavidovici is a partner in the project „Transition Youth: several suggestions for a new active citizenship“, which is funded by the EU as a part of the European Comission's platform Youth in Action. As a part of this project, four young people and one team leader from Zavidovici will participate in a youth exchange that will take place in Torino, Italy, in the period form October 26th to November 5th 2013. The host organisation will be Cooperativa Isola from Italy, and, besides Italy and BiH, participants will come from Croatia, Serbia, Portugal, and Poland. Two representatives of the LDA…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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