In the context of the twinning arrangement between the Municipality of Roncadelle (Italy) and the Municipality of Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the DA Zavidovići organized the participation of the Women’s Volleyball Club "Zavidovići" at the 19th Memorial Tournament "Alessandra Navoni" in Italy.
The tournament in women's volleyball was held in the sports hall in Roncadelle on 18th December, 2016. This memorial tournament is dedicated to the girl Alessandra Navoni, who lost her life at the age of eleven due to leukemia. After the painful loss, parents of the young volleyball player have decided to continue to fight against this terrible disease, and they founded the Alliance for fight against leukemia and lymphomas (AIL) in Brescia. Many sportsmen and sportswomen each year participate in this event, combining solidarity and passion for volleyball, remembering Alessandra and raising awareness among young people by teaching them the meaning of the word “solidarity”.
The event was sponsored by the Municipality of Roncadelle, and it was attended by sports clubs from the area of the provinces of Brescia, Cremona and Zavidovići. WVC "Zavidovici" took second place at the tournament in the U18 cathegory.
In addition, the team from Zavidovići visited Cremona on 17th December, where they met with representatives from the province of Cremona, and organized a tour of the city including the Museum of violins, with the workshop for their production.
U okviru sporazuma o bratimljenju između Općine Roncadelle (Italija) i Općine Zavidovići (BiH), Ambasda Loklane Demokratije Zavidovići je organizovala učešće Ženskog odbojkaškog kluba “Zavidovići” na 19. memorijalnom turniru „Alessandra Navoni“ u Italiji.
Turnir u ženskoj odbojci održan je u sportskoj dvorani u Roncadellama 18. decembra 2016. godine. Ovaj memorijalni turnir je posvećen djevojčici Alessandri Navoni, koja je izgubila život u jedanaestoj godini zbog leukemije. Nakon bolnog gubitka roditelji mlade odbojkašice su odlučili nastaviti boriti se protiv te opake bolesti, te su osnovali Savez za borbu protiv leukemije i limfoma (AIL) u gradu Brescia. Brojni sportaši i sportašice svake godine učestvuju u ovom događaju, kombinujući solidarnost i strast prema odbojci, sjećajući se Alessandre i podižući svijest među mladim ljudima učeći ih značenju riječi solidarnost.
Događaj je održan pod pokroviteljstvom Općine Roncadelle, a u njemu su učestvovali sportski klubovi sa područja provincija Brescia, Cremona i Zavidovića. ŽOK “Zavidovići” je na turniru zauzeo drugo mjesto u kategoriji U18.
Osim toga, ekipa iz Zavidovića je 17.decembra posjetila i Cremonu, gdje su se sursreli sa predstavnicima provicnije Cremona, a organizovan je i obilazak grada uključujući Muzej violina sa radionicom za njihovu izradu.