A special group animation training for young volunteers from Zavidovići has been held in Alba (Italy) from the 13th to the 17th of December 2018.
Upon arrival in Alba, the Bosnian team met up with their Italian hosts from the Association „Strani vari". Strani Vari is a summer recreation center for children and youth. It has been held yearly for the past 16 years. The first day was marked by a kick scooter city tour of Alba, with a tour guide from the Center of culture of Alba. The city tour culminated with a visit to the archeological site in the basement of the San Lorenzo Cathedral. The training and work for the Strani vari project of 2019 was held on the second day. Five young volunteers from Bosnia, and nine from Italy participated in the training for animators.
The training for animators is held each year, with the goal of of improving the project and adapting to possible faults and problems within the project of Strani vari. It also offers the younger participants a chance to get a better understaning of logistics, teamwork and project planning.
Strani Vari - Bosanski tim za Strani vari posjećuje Albu
Poseban trening za grupne animatore je održan za mlade volontere iz Zavidovića u Albi (Italija), u trajanju od 13. do 17. decembra 2018. godine.
Po dolasku, bosanski tim je se sastao sa domaćinima iz Asocijacije „Strani Vari". Strani Vari je ljetni rekreacioni centar za djecu i mlade. Održava se godišnje proteklih 16 godina. Prvi dan je obilježio obilazak grada Albe na romobilima, sa vodičem iz Centra za kulturu grada Albe. Obilazak grada je kulminirao sa posjetom arheološkom pronalazištu u podrumu Katedrale San Lorenzo. Trening i rad za Strani vari projekat 2019. godine su održani u drugome danu. Na treningu za animatore je učestvovalo pet mladih volontera iz Bosne, i devet iz Italije.
Trening za animatore se održava svake godine, s ciljem poboljšavanja projekta, i prilagođavanja mogućim nedostacima i problemima unutar projekta. Trening također pruža mladim učesnicima priliku da razviju bolje shvatanje logistike, timskog rada i planiranja projekata.