"White - circus performance", as a crown for two weeks' activities of the summer camp "Strani Vari 2018", was held in the Cultural Center Zavidovići n the 2nd August, 2018.
Strani Vari as a link between young people from Zavidovići and Italy and a summer recreation center for children is being held in Zavidovići for sixteen years.
Strani Vari as a summer recreation center for children and youth links from Zavidovići and Italy is being held in Zavidovići for sixteen years. The mutual visits of the volunteers developed a long-standing friendship.
Through creative workshops, learning, games, communication and the use of foreign languages, children create habits of responsibility and creativity. Our city was re-colored and new content was offered in a city that missed events and activities for children and young people.
As a preliminary activity, a circus workshop for children and young people, led by professional acrobats from Turin, was held earlier. The performance in the Cultural Center gathered a large number of children and parents. A joint group of 40 animators from Zavidovići and Italy performed a children's show featuring aerial silk dance, music, ballerina and other activities.
During their stay in Zavidovići, volunteers from Italy visited Stone Spheres, Nature park "Tajan" and visited Sarajevo.
Dana 2. avgusta 2018. godine u Domu kulture Zavidovići održan je performans „White – cirkus performance“ kao kruna dvosedmičnih aktivnosti ljetnog kampa „Strani Vari 2018“.
„Strani Vari“ kao poveznica mladih iz Zavidovića i Italije i ljetni rekreativni centar za djecu se održava u Zavidovićima već šesnaest godina. Međusobne posjete volontera razvijaju prijateljstvo koje je, već sada možemo reći, dugogodišnje.
Kroz kreativne radionice, učenje, igre, komunikaciju i upotrebu stranih jezika djeci se stvaraju navike odgovornosti i kreativnosti. Naš grad je ponovo obojen šarenilom te je ponuđen novi sadržaj u gradu u kojem nedostaje događaja i aktivnosti za djecu i mlade.
Kao uvodne aktivnosti ranije su održane cirkus radionice za djecu i mlade pod vodstvom profesionalnih akrobata iz Torina. Performans u Domu kulture okupio je veliki broj djece i roditelja. Zajednička grupa od 40 animatora iz Zavidovića i Italije izvela je predstavu za djecu u kojoj su predstavljanje plesne i muzičke tačke, balerine, ples na svili i slično.
U okviru svog boravka u Zavidovićima volonteri iz Italije su obišli Kamene kugle, Spomenik prirode „Tajan“, a posjetili su i Sarajevo.