13 Jun 2013

10th traditional Kid's Festival was held on Sunday, June 9th 2013, in the area in front of Zetra sports hall. As a part of this year's event, which is traditionally held in Sarajevo, volunteers of UG CeKER from Zavidovici presented their work and activities.

The activists of this association were on a stand together with representatives of Italian organisations AGEOP and Croce Verde. Five present volunteers entertained their little visitors with the help of usual games which are used also in activities with children in Zavidovici area.

The stand of CeKER was succesful, and satisfaction was shared by the activists and all the children who had the opportunity to spend time with them.


U nedjelju, 09. juna 2013.godine, na platou ispred dvorane Zetra, održan je deseti po redu  Kid's Festivala. U sklopu ovogodišnjeg festivala, koji se već tradicionalno održava u Sarajevu, svoj rad i aktivnosti su predstavili i volonteri UG CeKER iz Zavidovića.

Aktivisti ovog udruženja su na štandu bili zajedno sa predstavnicima italijanskih organizacija AGEOP i Croce Verde. Pet prisutnih volontera je zabavljalo male posjetioce uz pomoć svojih uobičajenih igara koje koriste i u aktivnostima sa djecom na području Zavidovića.

CeKER-ov štand je bio veoma dobro posjećen, te su zadovoljni bili i aktivisti kao i djeca koja su imala priliku da se druže s njima.

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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