On the occasion of the International Day of Monuments, the Coalition "Culture of Peace" organizes an exhibition of old and new pictures of Zavidovici in Dom kulture in the period from 18th to 30th April 2016.
The exhibition reflects the time and people from this area, cultural heritage, monuments and sites that made their mark in the life of the city.
By celebrating this day aims to promote awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage, its vulnerability and the efforts required for their protection.
Opening of the exhibition will be on the 18th April at 19.00, after the exhibition there will be organized panel discussion on topic "The preservation of cultural heritage in the function of forming a local history collection."
This event is organized with the support of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the LDA Zavidovići within activity "Zavidovici in the twentieth century".
Koalicija „Kultura mira“, povodom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana spomenika, organizuje izložbu starih i novih fotografija grada Zavidovića u Domu kulture u periodu od 18. do 30. Aprila 2016.
Izložba oslikava vrijeme i ljude s ovog područja, kulturno nasljeđe, spomenike i mjesta koja su ostavili traga u životu grada.
Obilježavanjem ovog dana želi se promovisati svjesnost o različitosti kulturne ostavštine, njenjoj ranjivosti i naporima koji su potrebni za njenu zaštitu.
Otvorenje izložbe je 18. Aprila u 19.00 sati, a nakon izložbe organizovaće se panel diskusija na temu „Očuvanje kulturnog nasljeđa u funkciji formiranja zavičajne zbirke“.
Ovaj događaj se organizuje uz podršku Misije OSCE u BiH i Ambasade lokalne demokratije Zavidovići koja provodi aktivnost „Zavidovici u XX vijeku“.