Programme of Cooperation and Development Trentino-Balkans 2018-2020

Programme of Cooperation and Development Trentino-Balkans 2018-2020

Capacity building, support to the local Institutions and contribution to the economic development of the renewable energy, environment sustainability, forest management, promotion of micro and small enterprises in three BiH municipalities

Timespan: 11/04/2019 – 30/11/2020

Donor: Autonomous Province of Trento (Programme of cooperation and development Trentino-Balkans 2018-2020)

Applicant: Associazione Trentino con i Balkani Onlus

Lead Partner: Associazione Progetto Prijedor

Partners: City Administrations and Local Democracy Agencies Prijedor, Mostar and Zavidovići; City of Trento; Civil Protection of Trentino, Consortium for Environmental Protection; Ministry of Environmental Protection of Federation of BiH and Republic of Srpska; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Federation of BiH and Republic of Srpska.

General Objective: 

Promote the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of good practices in three municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning: sustainable development; local socio-economic development; professional options for young people; participation and dialogue between civil society and local institutions; global citizenship.

Specific Objectives: 

SO1. Improve the capacities of local public institutions, competent ministries and Bosnian civil protection in designing and managing public initiatives related to the mitigation of climate change effects prevention and management of natural disasters, management of natural resources and use of alternative energy sources

SO2. Strengthen the tools and capacities of the micro and small enterprises, associated and cooperative enterprises

SO3. Fostering greater cohesion, convergence and participation between civil society and public administrations in promoting sustainable local development models

LDA Zavidovići hosted partner meeting of the project „Support to the capacity building of the local governments and contribution to the economic development of the renewable energies, environment sustainability, forest management, promotion of micro and small enterprises in three BiH municipalities“ on 26th November 2019. During the meeting we discussed further steps in the implementation of the project with Italian partner leader Associazione Progetto Prijedor. In this occasion we met Mr. Izet Bašić head of agriculture, water management and utilities office in Zavidovići municipality. This project is funded by the Province of Trento through cooperation between Trentino Balcan communities 2018-2020,…
In the area of the Vozuća Local Community there was carried out a preliminary analysis of the territory with the method of participatory planning with special reference to the state of the environment. During the field visits we visited the territory of the Local Community Vozuća, and conducted interviews and focus groups with residents of this area. The aim of this activity was to define the priorities and problems of the environment in cooperation with local actors and the population. Analysis of the situation at the site Vozuća was done within the project ”Capacity building, support to the local Institutions…
The training on participatory planning process took place in Mostar in the period from 25 -31 May 2019. This training is part of two years project „Capacity building and economy development contribution of energy sources, environmental sustainability, forest menagement and promotion of small and medium companies in three municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The partners in this project are Local Democracy Agencies from Prijedor, Zavidovići and Mostar, and associations „Progetto Prijedor“ and „Trentino Balkan“. The aim of this project is to excange knowledge and good practice from Italy on promotion of participatory approach of making plans, projects and strategies for…
U sklopu projekta „Izgradnja kapaciteta, podrška lokalnim institucijama i doprinos ekonomskom razvoju obnovljivih izvora energije, održivosti životne sredine, gazdovanju šumama, promociji mikro i malih preduzeća u tri BiH opštine“ u saradnji tri Agencije lokalne demokratije na području Bosne i Hercegovine (Prijedor, Mostar i Zavidovići), Udruženja Program Prijedor i Udruženja Trentino – Balkan objavljujemo: KONKURSza odabir kandidata za učešće u obuci na temu “PARTICIPATIVNO PLANIRANJE LOKALNOG SOCIO-EKONOMSKOG RAZVOJA” PERIOD REALIZACIJE OBUKE: 20 - 24. maj/svibanj 2019. MJESTO REALIZACIJE: Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina MINIMALAN BROJ UČESNIKA: 4 sa podrucja Zavidovići SADRŽAJ OBUKE: Proces razvoja baziran na lokalnim resursima Participativni pristup području Metodologija…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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