Orti famigliari
In the continuation of the implementation of the project "Development of family gardens in the Municipality of Zavidovići in Bosnia and Herzegovina" during the agricultural season, we organized field visits to family gardens, where the agronomist provided advices and suggestions for improving the quality and quantity of production. Also, with the activities of this project we supported selected beneficiaries engaged in greenhouse production of seasonal vegetables with materials for the maintenance of greenhouses and the production of planting material. The direct beneficiaries of the project are some 60 women from the local communities of Dolina, Ribnica, Mahoje and farmers engaged…
05 Jun 2017
In the frame of the project "Development of family gardens in the municipality of Zavidovići in Bosnia and Herzegovina", LDa Zavidovići organized workshops for women engaged in agricultural production for their own use and small scale sale in the areas of the villages: Ribnica, Dolina and Mahoje. During month of May 2017, local agronomist Ivan Antunović gave lectures on the topic of growing seasonal vegetables in open air and greenhouses, cultivation of berries, fruit and organic production. After the lecture, all participants will have technical support for providing advices by the agronomists, which will be followed by field visits to…
20 Mar 2017
Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo from Italy supported the project "Development of family gardens in the Municipality of Zavidovići in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The project will be implemented between March and September 2017 with the intention of contributing to decentralized cooperation, the relationship between territories and social inclusion. The Family Garden project is aimed at women who are already engaged in agriculture for their own needs and small-scale sales. The aim is to improve quality and productivity through learned agricultural techniques in collective workshops and field visits. This positive experience also has a major impact on the forms of socialization and cooperation…
Nel corso del 2016 è proseguito il progetto Orti Familiari curato dall’Ambasciata per la Democrazia Locale a Zavidovići (Adl) dopo la positiva esperienza del 2015, alla quale aveva fatto seguito una ricognizione di dati ricavati da un questionario proposto alle donne che avevano partecipato al progetto. Anche nel 2016 le attività hanno coinvolto le donne che svolgono attività agricola per l’autoconsumo e il piccolo commercio continuando ad avere ferma la finalità del contributo al reddito e ad un’agricoltura produttiva e sana. Sono stati raccolti nuovi dati socio demografici sulle donne e le loro famiglie, per verificare eventuali differenze tra Comunità…
07 Jun 2016
Following the devastating flood that hit Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 2014, the Foundation Intesa Sanpaolo funded post-emergency project aimed at flood victims and disadvantaged families in the Municipality of Zavidovići in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After these aid interventions, LDA continued support to women and rural households with post-flood project - development of family gardens. There were provided training and assistance to women who undertake agricultural activities on a small scale, in order to increase production and quality of products for self-consumption and small sales. In 2016, we continue this project in collaboration with Sigurno Mjesto - the local association…
15 Apr 2016
ADL Zavidovici ha realizzato una breve indagine tra le donne e le famiglie che nel 2015 hanno beneficiato di un sostegno finanziario a seguito dell’alluvione del 2014 e tra coloro che hanno partecipato al progetto “orti familiari”. Kako Ste? Some data from a questionnaire LDA Zavidovici has created a short survey among women and families who in 2015 have benefited from financial support following the flood of 2014 and among those who participated in the "family gardens project". Kako Ste? Podaci iz upitnika ALD Zavidovići je napravila kratku anketu među ženama i porodicama koje su tokom 2015. godine bili korisnici…