On 14th July 2020 from 11h until 13h there will be a regional online training for young local greeters. If you are interested to find out: Who are greeters? How does greeting work? Greeter's history. Basic values of greeter. Where are they present in the world. Examples of good practice. Communication in the field of tourist volunteering. Leading the group.
Visit the SKYPE: https://join.skype.com/jrSfAnqxpClE
It’s fun to be a Greeter: meeting people, making friends, practising languages, being a member of the international Greeter family. Greeters support sustainable tourism, respect natural and man-made environments, bringing both cultural and economic enrichment to local communities.
The online training will be realized within the Project „Monumental 9“ for the young greeters participating in the training programme and follow-up pilot regional tours with the aim to motivate, inspire and provide basic knowledge and skills for quality presentations of cultural heritage along the tour explored throughout entire project implementation.
Local Democracy Agency Montengro along with partners: LDA Mostar, LDA Kosovo, LDA Zavidovici, LDA Prijedor, LDA Knjazevac, LDA Subotica & ALDA Skopje is developing new touristic products using greeter concept and modern approaches in order to increase youth employment and income generating activities through engaging micro-localities.
The project is supported by Regional Cooperation Council Tourism Development and promotion Project’s Grant Scheme and funded by European Union.