21 Feb 2020

In frame of the project „Support to the capacity building of the local governments and contribution to the economic development of the renewable energies, environment sustainability, forest management, promotion of micro and small enterprises in three BiH municipalities“, there was organized a seminar on topic „Sustainable waste management“ in Mostar on the 20th of February 2020.

The event was attended by representatives of the three Local Democracy Agencies which are partners in the project, representatives of the Citizens' Association 'Jer nas se tiče' and representatives of the City Administration of Mostar.

The presentation on the topic was given by Francesca Vila, a environmental engineer from Trento, Italy.

The discussion was on issues that are common almost everywhere in the world, such as landfills, waste scales (household, neighborhood, city, region), waste types (household, industrial, commercial, institutional, medical and agricultural), various stakeholders (formal and informal) in addressing these issues, as well as a hierarchical solution to waste management (reduction, reuse, recycling, renewable energy and disposal). It was concluded that all stakeholders must be involved in solving these problems.

The project is funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento, and the leader of the project for BiH is the Association Progetto Prijedor from Trento.


U okviru projekta „Podrška jačanju kapaciteta lokalnih vlasti i podrška privredoj promociji tri grada u BiH u sektoru obnovljivih izvora energije, upravljanju šumskim bogatstvima i promociji malih i srednjih preduzeća“, dana 20.2.2020. godine u Mostaru je održan seminar na temu „Održivog upravljanja otpadom“.

Učešće na događaju su uzeli predstavnici tri Agencije lokalne demokratije koje su partneri u projektu, predstavnici udruženja građana „Jer nas se tiče“ te predstavnici Gradske uprave grada Mostara.

Prezentaciju o temi je održala Francesca Villa, okolišni inžinjer iz Trenta, Italija. Razgovarano je o problemima koji su aktuelni skoro svugdje u svijetu a to su deponije, životne skale u rješavanju otpada (domaćinstva, susjedstvo, grad, regija), vrste otpada (domaćinstvo, industrijski, komercijalni, institucionalni, medicinski i poljoprivredni), različite zainteresirane strane (formalni i neformalni) u rješavanju navedenih problema, kao i hijerarhijsko rješenje upravljanja otpadom (smanjivanje, ponovna upotreba, reciklaža, obnovljiva energija i odlaganje). Zaključeno je da se svi akteri moraju uključiti u rješavanje ovih problema.

Projekt finansira Autonomna pokrajina Trento, a nosilac projekta za BiH je Udruženje Progetto Prijedor iz Trenta.

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