Twinning Zavidovici (BiH)–Roncadelle (I)
22 Dec 2013
This year, just like the previous, LDA Zavidovici organised the participation of Women volleybal club „Zavidovici“ on the 16th memorial tournament „Alessandra Navoni“ in Italy. The trip of the players and their staff is one of the activities which are implemented as a part of the twinning agreement between the municipalities Roncadelle (Italy) and Zavidovici. The women's volleyball tournament was held in the Roncadelle sports hall on December 15th 2013. This memorial tournament is dedicated to a girl, Alessandra Navoni, who lost her life to leukemia when she was just 11 years old. After the painfull loss of their daughter,…
As part of the twinning arrangement between the Italian Municipality Roncadelle and the Municipality of Zavidovici, LDA Zavidovici has organized the participation of Women's Volleyball Team from Zavidovici on the 15th Memorial Tournament "Alessandra Navoni." The women's volleyball tournament was held in the sports hall in Roncadelle on the 16th December 2012. This memorial is dedicated to a young girl who lost her life in the eleventh year due to leukemia. After the painful loss of young volleyball player, parents have decided to fight against blood diseases, they formed an alliance to fight leukemia and lymphoma (AIL) in Brescia. Numerous…
Kaki tree planted in Zavidovici
27 Apr 2012
The LDA Zavidovici has organised a visit of the Zavidovici delegation to the twin city of Roncadelle, Italy. The delegation was composed from the representatives of three high schools from Zavidovici, basketball club 'Krivaja' Zavidovici, and the Association ''Sadnice Mira – Peace Trees'' from Zavidovici. The purpose of the trip was the return visit to the brother city of Roncadelle, and during the visit there were held two sports events: the international race ''Vivicitta''', and internationall basketball tournament. On this occasion, the headmasters of Zavidovici highschools were present on a seminar related to the solar energy use. One of the…
Kaki tree for Zavidovici
12 Apr 2012
In the period from 14th to 17th April, LDA Zavidovići is organizing a visit of delegation from Zavidovići to the twining town Roncadelle. Delegation will participate in the ceremony of planting the Kaki tree in Trieste and Roncadelle as a symbol of peace in the world. In the presence of Japanese delegation, within the “Kaki tree Project”, trees will be planted in 20 Italian Municipalities and one tree will be given to Zavidovici (BIH). During the visit in Italy there will be organized basketball tournament, in which the participation will be taken by basketball team “Krivaja”. This is fifth international…