No Hate Coalition “Kultura mira”

No Hate Coalition “Kultura mira”

OSCE (Organization for Security and Co - operation in Europe ) initiative in BiH has worked to establish local coalitions to combat prejudice and intolerance in the community. So far, 13 such coalitions have already been established in 13 different cities , and it is planned to establish them in another 10 cities including Zavidovici . Since the beginning of 2014, the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina began with the activity of establishing a Local Coalition to combat hate crimes in Zavidovici. This activity is part of the OSCE project titled Preventing and combating incidents motivated by prejudice.

OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)u BiH inicijativno je djelovao na osnivanje lokalnih Koalicija za borbu protiv predrasuda i netolerancije u zajednici. Do sada je osnovano već 13 takvih Koalicija u 13 razlicitih gradova , a radi se na osnivanju u još  10 gradova uključujući i Zavidoviće.  Od početka 2014.godine, Misija OSCE u BiH je u Zavidovićima počela sa aktivnošću uspostavljanja Lokalne koalicije za borbu protiv zločina počinjenih iz mržnje/predrasuda. Ova aktivnost je dio OSCE-ovog projekta pod nazivom Prevencija i borba protiv Incidenata motiviranih predrasudama.

On behalf of the Coalition “Kultura Mira– Zavidovici ” (Culture of peace Zavidovići), we would like to congratulate our Roma citizens for the International Roma day of April 8th. Also, we have pleasure to inform the public that the Roma Association “Srce Istine – Zavidovici ” (Heart Truth) is a full member of the Coalition since April 4th, 2015. Coalition “Kulutra Mira – Zavidocivi ” was founded in 2014 under the motto “Let's build a world without prejudices and hate ”. In 2015, the Coalition “Kultura Mira”, together with the representatives of Zavidovici Municipalityand the Committee on Social Affairs, Human…
Since the beginning of 2014, the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina began with the activity of establishing a Local Coalition to combat hate crimes in Zavidovici. OSCE (Organization for Security and Co - operation in Europe ) initiative in BiH has worked to establish a local coalition to combat prejudice and intolerance in the community. So far, 13 such coalitions have already been established in 13 different cities , and it is planned to establish them in another 10 cities including Zavidovici . At the recently held workshop , the Action Plan for the Coalition was determined, and participating…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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City and membership info