Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership

Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership

The two year action is designed as a comprehensive set of capacity building and awareness raising activities which will be implemented through combined support measures intended for local NGO-s and local authorities to enhance citizen participation in policy and decision making process. Issue based and sectoral NGO networking represent a core of the action as the main prerequisite for their effective participation in creating a more supportive local environment for civic engagement.

Activities envisaged will support both horizontal and thematic, issue based co-operation between NGO-s operating within different local contexts and thus help harmonise and exchange local practices related with institutionalised (Agreement based) cooperation with local authorities and procedures for their financing. Awareness raising and training activities are designed to support the development and strengthening of local NGO-s resource centres, with particular emphasis on their improved participation in designing sectoral policies and local development strategies. The specific focus of the action is on CSO-s engaged in local democracy development, human/minority rights protection, intercultural dialogue, women’s and youth empowerment groups and environment protection.

As a part of the implementation of IPA project 'Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership', which is realised together with NGOs from BiH and region and Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) as a lead partner, the LDA Zavidovici organised a public debate on the topic 'Agreement between Municipal Council, Mayor and NGOs of Zavidovici Municipality', on April 30th 2012. This public debate was held in the great hall of Zavidovici Municipality, and the participants were representatives of NGOs from Zavidovici, representatives of Zavidovici Municipality, as well as the media. The problems of cooperation between civil society subjects…
Zavidovici (BiH), 15-17 March 2012 The second training seminar for CSOs on advocacy skills, within the project Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships was held in Zavidovici from 15th to 17th of March 2012. 20 representatives of local NGOs, from the partner organisations’ cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the seminar. The two day training in Zepce (near Zavidovici) was organised by the LDA Zavidovici in close collaboration with the Project team members and the team of trainers from LDA Mostar Igor Kajgana and Slobodan Vulesevic, senior trainers. Key contents of the interactive workshops were related with developing…
Zavidovici, 15/17 March 2012 Abstract An important step towards creating a pool of local NGOs engaged in implementation of cooperation agreements with local authorities. With this aim, the third Steering group meeting of the project Civil Society In Action For Dialogue And Partnerships, and the first meeting with the Thematic working groups’ members, were held in the town hall of Zavidovici and hosted by the LDA Zavidovici project team members, from 15th to 17th of March 2012. The two thematic working groups have in this way become functional and will serve as an important pool of expertise in two areas…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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