The European and Our Affairs
IPA 2011 - Information and Communication Programme
This project is implemented by Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) in partnership with LDA Zavidovici and support of Municipality of Zavidovici and Development Agency Žepče.
Location: Municipalities Zavidovici and Zepce, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- To help raise awareness on EU enlargement process and pre-accession assistance aimed to support the reform process at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- To help improve public understanding of the benefits of EU integration;
- To help promote tangible results of EU pre-accession assistance;
- To help reinforce the role of civil society in the public dialogue on EU accession agenda;
- To help strenghten the local ownership over the reform and EU integration process.
Final beneficiaries: local civil society, citizen groups, local community members, local media and public at large
Estimated results:
- Improved public awareness and knowledge of actual benefits of EU integration;
- Increased information provision about the effects of EU funded projects;
- Improved outreach and information dissemination on EU integration issues;
- Increased number of cross-sectoral partnerships and issue based networking for underpinning reform process;
- Improved public dialogue for common understanding of EU values.
Main activities:
- Conference „EU integration – a dialogue for the future“ in Zavidovići;
- Training seminars for CSO-s and local authorities on EU integration and pre-accession assistance;
- Training seminar for local media titled „EU Integration: prejudices and myth-buster“
- Youth for EU campaign: EU quiz in secondary schools and EU Ambassadors' visits.
This project is funded by the Europan Union.