The project "The European and Our Affairs“, in which the focus is on relations between BiH and the European Union, among others, has a very important informational dimension.
Thus, the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići prepared a brochure for citizens, which bears the same name as the project, and where you can find basic information about the EU, relations between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the ways in which the European Union provides financial and other assistance to BiH. The brochure will be distributed in the printed edition, as well as in electronic version on the websites of the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići and the Delegation of EU to BiH.
In addition, an informational aspect of the project is met also by the electronic newsletters that were coming out regularly during the implementation of the project – 4 releases in total, in Bosnian and English language. They are distributed by e-mail and the websiteof the LDA.
Also, all the other issues concerning the project activities LDA were regularly advertised and monitored through active and regularly updated web presentation of the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici.
Brošura „Evropska i nasa posla“ and Newsletter #4 eng can be downloaded here.
Brošura-projekat "Evropska i naša posla"
Friday, 06 February 2015 21:31 622.99 KB 4,532
Newsletter-project "The European and Our Affairs"-IV edition
Friday, 06 February 2015 21:30 1.85 MB 4,700
This project is funded by the European Union.
“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”
Projekt „Evropska i naša posla“, u čijem su fokusu odnosi između BiH i Evropske unije, između ostalih ima i veoma važnu informativnu dimenziju.
Tako je Ambasada lokalne demokracije Zavidovići za građane pripremila brošuru, koja nosi isti naziv kao i projekt, a u kojoj se mogu naći osnovne informacije o Uniji, odnosima EU i BiH, te načinima na koje Evropska unija pruža finansijsku i drugu pomoć BiH. Brošura će biti distribuirana u štampanom izdanju, kao i u elektronskoj verziji na web stranicama Ambasade lokalne demokracije Zavidovići i Delegacije Evropske unije u BiH.
Osim toga, informativni aspekt projekta zadovoljen je i elektronskim biltenima koji su izlazili redovno u toku implementacije projekta – njih ukupno 4 izdanja, na bosanskom i engleskom jeziku. Oni su distribuirani putem e-maila i web stranice ALD-a.
Također, sve ostale aktuelnosti vezane za projektne aktivnosti ALD-a su bile redovno oglašavane i praćene putem aktivne i redovno ažurirane web prezentacije Ambasade lokalne demokracije Zavidovići.
Brošuru „Evropska i nasa posla“ i Newsletter #4 (Bilten) možete preuzeti ovdje.
Brošura-projekat "Evropska i naša posla"
Friday, 06 February 2015 21:31 622.99 KB 4,532
Bilten u okviru projekta "Evropska i naša posla"-IV izdanje
Friday, 06 February 2015 21:30 2.11 MB 3,848
Ovaj projekat finansira Evropska Unija.
“Ova publikacija sačinjena je uz podršku Evropske Unije. Punu odgovornost u pogledu sadržaja publikacije snosi ALDA, te ista ni na koji način ne odražava stavove Evropske Unije”