Representatives of the organizations implementing the project "Civil Society in Action for dialogue and partnership" had the opportunity to attend a workshop organized by TACSO (Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations) BiH, as part of their activities in support of non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on topic "Guidelines / monitoring component to eight networks supported under IPA 2009 national program". The workshop was held in Sarajevo from 13th to 14th February 2013, and was led by the Croatian expert Mladen Majetić.
Prior to the workshops, a survey was conducted among all active participants in networked organizations. These workshops are exclusively intended for representatives of formal and informal networks of non-governmental organizations whose projects have been funded under the IPA 2009 Support to Issue Based Networks program.
One of these projects is the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership, in which the lead partner is ALDA, while other partners are members of ALDA network from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia-LDA Mostar, Zavidovici, Osijek and Subotica and also Forum of Tuzla Citizens, Center for Local Development Breza, DON Prijedor and Center New Hopes Bihac. Five representatives of the partners in this project represented the informal network of organizations implementing the project, and these were Dzenana Dedic (LDA Mostar), Amra Hadzimehmedovic (New Hopes Bihac), Murisa Maric (DON Prijedor), Alen Smajic (CLR Breza) and Jasna Zvekić (LDA Zavidovici).
This event was an opportunity for the participants to exchange experiences related to networking and network activities of non-governmental organizations, and create a good vision of opportunities facing their organizations in the future. Thanks to the extensive experience and expertise of the workshop leader, even the experienced activists of the NGO sector benefited greatly from two days of working together, and representatives of "Civil society in action for dialogue and partnership" have managed to create a clear vision for how the project should look like by the end of the implementation, and how to continue to campaign that was started by this project.
Predstavnici organizacija koje implementiraju projekt „Civilno društvo u akciji za dijalog i partnerstvo“ imali su priliku prisustvovati radionici koju je organizovao TACSO (Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations) BiH u sklopu svojih aktivnosti podrške nevladinim organizacijama u Bosni i Hercegovini, na temu „Smjernice/Monitoring komponenta za osam mreža podržanih u sklopu nacionalnog IPA 2009 programa“. Radionica je održana u Sarajevu u periodu od 13.-14. februara 2013. godine, a vodio ju je Mladen Majetić iz Hrvatske.
Radionicama je prethodilo istraživanje provedeno među svim aktivnim sudionicima iz umreženih organizacija, a namjenjene su predstavnicima formalnih i neformalnih mreža nevladinih organizacija čiji su projekti finansirani u sklopu IPA 2009 Support to Issue Based NGO Networks programa.
Jedan od tih projekata je i Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership, u kojem je vodeći partner ALDA , dok su drugi partneri članovi ALDA mreže iz BiH, Hrvatske i Srbije- Agencije lokalne demokratije iz Mostara, Zavidovića, Osijeka i Subotice, te Forum građana Tuzla, Centar za lokalni razvoj Breza, DON Prijedor i Nove nade Bihać. Pet predstavnika partnera u ovom projektu predstavljalo je neformalnu mrežu organizacija koje implementiraju ovaj projekt, a to su Dženana Dedić (LDA Mostar), Amra Hadžimehmedović (Nove Nade Bihać), Murisa Marić (DON Prijedor), Alen Smajić (CLR Breza) i Jasna Zvekić (LDA Zavidovići).
Ovaj događaj bio je prilika da učesnici razmjene dosadašnja iskustva vezana za umrežavanje i aktivnosti mreža nevladinih organizacija, ali i stvore kvalitetnu sliku mogućnosti koje stoje pred njihovim organizacijama u budućnosti. Zahvaljujući velikom iskustvu i stručnosti voditelja radionice, čak su i iskusni aktivisti nevladinog sektora imali velike koristi od dvodnevnog zajedničkog rada, a predstavnici „Civilnog društva u akciji za dijalog i partnerstvo“ su uspjeli stvoriti jasnu viziju kako bi projekat trebao izgledati do kraja implementacije, ali i kako nastaviti kampanju koja je ovim projektom počela.