Within the CLINK project - Cultural Heritage Linking Diversities in Europe, the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici organized the community forum on the role of youth in the preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage in the Cultural Center of Zavidovici on the 27th February 2020.
To the event attended representatives of civil society organizations from Zavidovici, representatives of the Center for Culture and young people from high schools from Zavidovici with their teachers.
At the panel, young people had the opportunity to hear about cultural heritage as a phenomenon of a region and how it is manifested, promoted and preserved, what is the role of governmental institutions in the process of preserving and promoting cultural and historical heritage, what is the role of cultural workers and how young people and their schools can contribute to these processes.
The aim of the forum was to give young people the opportunity to express their needs and initiatives related to the cultural and historical heritage, they also had the opportunity to present criticism as well as positive things that they witnessed concerning the cultural and historical heritage.
During the forum with the youth, the youth have made several conclusions regarding cultural heritage, some of them are:
- Lack of systematic approach by cultural institutions to cultural and historical heritage
- The complexity of the local government system is also one of the negative factors when it comes to involving young people in the preservation of cultural and historical heritage
- Lack of cultural institutions, consider it insufficient for one institution to engage in culture, and they are of the opinion that government, secondary and elementary schools and the non-governmental sector must be involved in a joint initiative to save and enrich the cultural and historical heritage of our municipality
- School institutions and teachers should dedicate more time to discussing cultural and historical heritage with young people and providing them with basic information on their existence in our municipality.
- They consider it necessary to include in the school visits / excursions also visits to sites of cultural and historical importance
- They believe that there is an insufficient flow of information on cultural events in the municipality of Zavidovici
- They believe that it would be appropriate to adapt the cultural-historical heritage and culture at all to young people, that is, to bring the culture to the level of being IN for youngsters
- They consider the Internet / Social Networks to be a great medium for promoting cultural and historical heritage, but that it is a great tool for introducing new generations to cultural and historical heritage
- They believe that young people need to become more involved in projects dealing with culture and cultural-historical heritage, but that they must have a point of reference to whom to address to with an idea or initiative.
- Cultural heritage needs to be more youth friendly, giving opportunities to young people to express their cultural needs.
The CLINK project - Cultural Heritage LINKing diversities in Europe is a project that is financially supported through the Europe for Citizens program and implemented in six countries in the region, and between 9 partners, one of which is a partner and the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici.
U okviru projekta CLINK - Cultural Heritage Linking Diversities in Europe, u kojem učestvuje Agencija lokalne demokratije Zavidovići, održana je lokalna aktivnost - Forum u zajednici na temu “Uloga mladih u očuvanju i promociji kulturno-historijske baštine” u prostorijama Centra za kulturu Zavidovići dana 27.Februara 2020. godine.
Događaju su prisustvovali predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz Zavidovića, predstavnici Centra za kulturu te mladi iz srednjih škola iz Zavidovića sa svojim profesorima.
Na panelu mladi su imali priliku čuti o kulturnoj baštini kao fenomenu jedne regije i kako se taj fenomen manifestira, promovira i čuva, kakva je uloga institucija vlasti u procesu očuvanja i promocije kulturno-historijske baštine, kakva je uloga radnika u kulturi kada se govori o kulturno-historijskom naslijeđu te kako oni kao mladi ljudi i njihove škole mogu doprinjeti navedenim procesima.
Cilj foruma je bio da se mladima da prilika da iskažu svoje potrebe i inicijative vezane za kulturno-historijsko naslijeđe, također imali su prilike da iznesu i kritike ali i pozitivne stvari kojima su svjedočili a tiču se kulturno-historijske baštine.
Tokom razgovora sa mladima, mladi su iznijeli nekoliko zaključaka kada je riječ o kulturnoj baštini, neki od tih zaključaka su:
- Nedostatak sistemskog pristupa od strane institucija vlasti kada je u pitanju kulturno-historijska baština
- Kompleksnost sistema lokalne samouprave je također jedan od negativnih faktora kada je u pitanju uključivanje mladih u očuvanje kulturno-historijske baštine
- Mali broj institucija kulture, smatraju da je nedovoljno da se samo jedna institucija bavi kulturom, te su mišljenja da se i institucije vlasti, srednje i osnovne škole i nevladin sektor moraju uključiti u zajedničku inicijativu da bi se spasila i obogatila kulturno-historijska baština naše općine
- Školske institucije i profesori bi trebali više vremena posvetiti razgovoru s mladima o kulturno-historijskoj baštini, te im dati osnovne informacije o postojanju istih u našoj općini
- Smatraju da je neophodno da se unutar školskih posjeta/ekskurzija obavezno uvrste i posjete lokacijama koje su od kulturno-historijskog značaja
- Smatraju da je nedovoljan protok informacija o kulturnim dešavanjima u općini Zavidovići
- Smatraju da bi kulturno-historijsku baštinu te kulturu uopće prilagoditi mladima, odnosno dovesti kulturu na nivo da bude IN mladima
- Smatraju da je Internet / Socijalne mreže odličan medij za promoviranje kulturno-historijske baštine ali da je odličan instrument za upoznavanje novih generacija sa kultruno-historijskom baštinom
- Smatraju da mladi moraju više da se samouključuju u projekte koji se bave kulturom i kulturno-historijskom baštinom ali da moraju imati referentnu tačku kome da se obrate da idejom ili inicijativom.
- Kulturna baština mora biti više youth friendly, dati prilike mladima da iskažu svoje potrebe o kulturi.
Projekat CLINK – Cultural heritage LINKing diversities in Europe je projekat koji je finansijski podržan kroz program “Europa za građane” a implementira se u šest zemalja regiona odnosno između 9 partnera od koji je jedan partner i Agencija lokalne demokratije Zavidovići.