Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići has organized the participation of women's volleyball club "Zavidovici" at the 21st tournament "Memorial Alessandra" in Italy as part of the twinning arrangement between the Municipality of Roncadelle (Italy) and the Municipality of Zavidovici (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Delegation of the Women's Volleyball Club from Zavidovići, led by the coach Emin Ferhatović, stayed in the city of Roncadelle from 13th to 16th December 2018.
During their stay in Italy, visits to Lake Garda were organized in the historical place of Sirmione and Cremona. The host in Cremona was UISP Cremona, and the city's tour began with a walk along the Roman road, a tour of the cathedral, the Stradivari tomb and the crypt mosaics. Also, there was organized a visit to the City Hall, where the delegation was officially received by the mayor’s assistant Ms. Rosa Viola and the City Council President Ms. Simona Pasquali. Tour of the city of Cremona was completed by visiting the sports center Baldesio.
The tournament in women's volleyball took place in the sports hall in Roncadelle on 16th December 2018. This memorial tournament is dedicated to the girl Alessandra Navoni, who lost her life at the age of eleven due to leukemia. After the painful loss, parents of the young volleyball player have decided to continue to fight against this terrible disease, and they founded the Alliance for fight against leukemia and lymphomas (AIL) in Brescia. Many sportsmen and sportswomen each year participate in this event, combining solidarity and passion for volleyball, remembering Alessandra and raising awareness among young people by teaching them the meaning of the word “solidarity”.
As in previous years, the host of the women's volleyball club was the Sports Center of the Municipality of Roncadelle (CSCR), which we thank for hospitality, with the hope that the cooperation will continue in the following years.
Roncadelle “Memorial Alessandra” 2018
Agencija Loklane Demokratije Zavidovići je organizovala učešće Ženskog odbojkaškog kluba “Zavidovići” na 21. turniru „Memorial Alessandra“ u Italiji u okviru sporazuma o bratimljenju između Općine Roncadelle (Italija) i Općine Zavidovići (BiH).
Delegacija Ženskog odbojkaškog kluba iz Zavidovića, predvođena trenerom Eminom Ferhatovićem, je boravila u gradu Roncadelle u periodu od 13. do 16. decembra 2018.godine.
Tokom boravka u Italiji organizovane su posjete jezeru Garda u historijskom mjestu Sirmione i Cremoni. Domaćin u Cremoni je bio UISP Cremona, a obliazak grada je počeo šetnjom rimskom cestom, obilaskom katedrale, grobnice Stradivari i mozaicima kripte. Nakon obilaska grada Cremone organizovan je posjet gradskoj vijećnici gdje je delegaciju zvanično primljena od strane pomoćnika načelnika gđe.Rosite Viola i predsjednice gradskog vijeća gđe.Simone Pasquali. Obilazak grada Cremone je završen posjetom sportskom centru Baldesio.
Turnir u ženskoj odbojci održan je u sportskoj dvorani u Roncadellama 16. decembra 2018. godine. Ovaj memorijalni turnir je posvećen djevojčici Alessandri Navoni, koja je izgubila život u jedanaestoj godini zbog leukemije. Nakon bolnog gubitka roditelji mlade odbojkašice su odlučili nastaviti boriti se protiv te opake bolesti, te su osnovali Savez za borbu protiv leukemije i limfoma (AIL) u gradu Brescia. Brojni sportaši i sportašice svake godine učestvuju u ovom događaju, kombinujući solidarnost i strast prema odbojci, sjećajući se Alessandre i podižući svijest među mladim ljudima učeći ih značenju riječi solidarnost.
Sportski centar općine Roncadelle (CSCR) je i ove godine bio domaćin ženskom odbojkaškom klubu, kojem se zahvaljujemo na svemu, sa nadom da će se saradanja nastaviti i narednih godina.