The first Balkan Kaleidoscope international event was held 15 to 18 November in Osijek, Croatia, hosted by the project partner Centre for Peace and Non-violence. All together 13 partner organisations from 8 countries were represented in the training on the main topic multiperspectivity approaches and methodological concepts in history teaching. Twenty six (26) history teachers, pedagogues, sociologists, young scholars, youth workers, NGO practitioners were actively engaged in the workshops combining theoretic conceptualisation and practical approaches in present days history teaching on break-up of former Yugoslavia and consequent armed conflicts in the Balkans during 90’ties.
In introductory notes, Angel Cabarkapa on behalf of the host organisation and Stanka Parac Damjanovic on behalf of the lead applicant and coordinator presented the overal project concept in which the teachers and their students are put in focus while the very learning process is the core activity considered here as more inclusive and comprehensive. The composition of partnership established will allow for a wider perspective on the topics to be elaborated while the local expertise and practice are seen as the main motivation to encourage the debate and promotion of multiperspectivity in history teaching and learning.
The first set of four workshops delivered by dr. Jovana Trbovc Mihajlović (Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) included inter alia, evolution of memory narratives, post conflict remembrance paradigms in the Balkans, dealing with the past in history textbooks. Vivid debate and exchange of local practices was initiated in interactive workshops on present challenges and perspectives of multiperspectivity approaches. Specific focus in the debate was on perstistent politicisation and ethnocentric approach to history lessons in our schools across the region, while little has been done to encourages critical thinking and open the space for informed debate. In the group work participants were acquainted with a number of press releases related with the break up of former Yugoslavia as well with the work of the Hague Tribunal – and analysed the way the reports were presented to the local public in newly created independent countries.
Ms Veselinka Kastratovic, member and activitst of the Centre for Peace and Non-violence was the guest speaker on the first day presenting the local context in Croatia – with particular reference to war crimes trials and reconciliation process. Dealing with the past in local communities in Osijek Baranja area is to a large extent burdened with a large number of missing persons, unfinished war crime trials. However she reiterated the importance of the legacy of the peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem into Croatia, as one of the successful example of engaging local population and the neighbours in interethnic conflict resolution process. She also presented a number of local communties in the area in which the small grass-root civil society organizations played a significant role in reconciliation process.
Professor Rudolf Weiss, history teacher from Subotica and president of the German People’s Alliance in Serbia had presentations and delivered training workshops on the second day of the seminar. In his introductory lecture, Professor Weiss spoke about local practice, history textbooks and the personal integrity of teachers. Interactive workshops, group work and history textbook analysis, development of a training tool kit that could be applied in partner communities were the main emphasis of the second training day. Further to this, participants were introduced with the contents and format of the local activities which they will be organising.
During the evaluation and closing workshop, the participants summarized the topics discussed and agreed through the joint evaluation the next steps in the implementation of the activities of the Balkan Kaleidoscope project. It was agreed that they will implement their envisaged local activities in the upcoming period until the next international event to be held in Mostar in October 2018 in close co-operation with the partner organisations. The creation of a webplatform is forseen to serve as learning tool and best practice exchange platform for the teachers engaged but also for the young people to be encouraged to explore and seek common historic language.
Od 15. do 18. novembra u Osijeku je održan prvi međunarodni događaj u okviru projekta finansiranog iz programa „Evropa za građane“ pod nazivom „Balkan Kaleidoskop“. Partneri iz 8 zemalja učestvovali su na treningu na temu multiperspektivnog pristupa nastavi istorije.
U uvodnoj rječi obratili su se Angel Čabarkapa, ispred „Centra za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava“, i Stanka Parać Damjanović u ime vodećeg aplikanta i koordinatora. Predstavljen je koncept projekta u kojem je glavni fokus stavljen na nastavnike i njihove učenike, dok je sam proces učenja osnovna djelatnost koja se razmatra na sveobuhvatniji način. Sastav ustanovljenog partnerstva omogućiće širu perspektivu teme koja se razrađuje, dok se lokalna ekspertiza i praksa smatraju glavnim motivom za podsticanje debate i promovisanje multiperspektivnosti u nastavi i učenju istorije.
Prvi set radionica i predavanja na temu multiperspektivnosti održala je dr. Jovana Trbovc Mihajlović iz Naučnoistraživačkog centra slovenačke akademije nauka i umetnosti. Jovana Trbovc Mihajlović se osvrnula na osnovne pretpostavke, izazove i perspektive multiperspektivnosti i kroz interakciju sa učesnicima na primjeru raspada SFRJ plastično predstavila multiperspektivni pristup. U nastavku akcenat je bio na opasnostima relativizacije u multiperspektivnosti, kao i analizi školskih udžbenika iz zemalja bivše Jugoslavije. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na politizaciju i etnocentrični pristup u nastavi istorije u školama širom regiona, dok je veoma malo učinjeno na podsticanju kritičkog razmišljanja i otvaranja prostora za debatu.
Poslednja radionica prvog dana održana je u saradnji sa domaćinima iz organizacije „Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava“ iz Osijeka. Gospođa Veselinka Kastratović govorila je na temu suočavanja sa prošlošću u lokalnim zajednicama na slučaju Hrvatske. Oblast Baranje je u velikoj mjeri opterećena velikim brojem nestalih osoba i nedovršenim suđenjima za ratne zločine. Učesnici su imali prilike da čuju iskustva iz prve ruke na temu funkcionisanja hrvatskog pravosuđa u poređenju sa pravosudnim sistemima komšijskih zemalja, kao i o ulozi organizacija civilnog društva.
Drugog dana predavač je bio Rudolf Vajs, profesor istorije iz Subotice i predsjednik Njemačkog narodnog saveza u Srbiji. U uvodnom predavanju, profesor Vajs je govorio o multiperspektivnosti u nastavi. Profesor je kroz iskustva iz Subotice i Srbije predstavio multiperspektivni pristup u nastavi. Kroz diskusiju i razmjenu iskustava sa učesnicima predstavljeno je kako ovaj koncept izgleda u praksi. Interaktivne radionice i grupni rad, kao i razvoj alata koji se mogu primjeniti u partnerskim zajednicama dobili su najveći akcenat drugog dana obuke. Pored toga učesnici su upoznati sa sadržajem i formatom lokalnih predstojećih lokalnih aktivnosti, i dogovorili uspostavljanje mailing liste i Facebook grupe za razmenu informacija i metoda.
Uslijedila je radionica u kojoj su učesnici podeljeni u 4 grupe analizirali 4 udžbenika istorije različitih izdavača iz Srbije i pokušali da kroz interaktivnu analizu teksta izmjene ili dopune sadržaj koji se odnosi na temu raspada SFRJ.
Na samom kraju događaja učesnici su sumirali obrađene teme i kroz zajedničku evaluaciju dogovorili naredne korake u sprovođenju aktivnosti projekta „Balkan Kaleidoskop“. Dogovoreno je da partneri svoje predviđene lokalne aktivnosti sprovedu u narednom periodu do sledećeg međunarodnog događaja koji će biti održan u Mostaru u oktobru 2018. godine.
Projekat predviđa uspostavljanje web-platforme koja će služiti kao alat za učenje i razmenu najboljih praksi angažovanih nastavnika i profesora, ali i za mlade ljude koje treba ohrabrivati za istraživanje i potragu zajedničkog istorijskog jezika.