Despite the many-faceted changes over the past decades a key feature of European cooperation over the past years remained its inclusive nature which is also reflected in the growing number of member states from the original six to twenty seven today.
We, as partners of the Civil Trust Building project think that the Western Balkans region belongs to the concept of a unified Europe and therefore support the EU membership of the countries of the Western Balkans. We assist this process by means of civil society in general and through different activities of the project in particular.
We share the common European values of democracy, peace, solidarity and the respect of human rights and – in line with the thought of the founding fathers of the European Union–seek to support cooperation for a unified Europe.
Izjava partnera u projektu Civil Trust Building povodom Dana Europe 2012
Dan Europe obilježava se sveke godine 9. maja, kako bi se prisjetili deklaracije francuskug ministra vanjskih poslova Roberta Schumana iz 1950. godine, koja je pozvala na pojačanu ekonomsku saradnju u novoj, postratnoj Europi. Schumanova deklaracija se danas smatra dokumentom koji je začeo ono što se danas zove Europska Unija.
Unatoč mnogim promjenama tokom proteklih dekada, ključno obilježje europske saradnje ostala je njena politika inkluzivnosti, koja se ogleda i u stalno rastućem broju zemalja članica, od početnih šest, do današnjih dvadeset i sedam.
Mi, kao partneri u projektu Civil Trust Building, smatramo da rekgija Zapadnog Balkana pripada konceptu jedinstvene Europe, i stoga podržavamo članstvo ovih zemalja u EU. Dajemo podršku ovom procesu sredstvima civilnog društva uopće, i kroz razne aktivnosti konkretnog projekta.
Mi dijelimo zajedničke europske vrijednosti demokracije, mira, solidarnosti i poštivanja ljudskih prava, te, u skladu sa idejama osnivača Europske Unije, težimo da podržimo saradnju na putu ka ujedinjenoj Europi.
European House, Hungary – project coordinator
Association of Local Democracy Agencies, France
Partners Albania - Center for Change and Conflict Management, Albania
The World of NGOs, Austria
Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Centre for Peace and Non-violence Osijek, Croatia
ARCI, Italy
Local Democracy Agency Kosovo, Kosovo
Community Development Institute Tetovo, Macedonia
Local Democracy Agency Montenegro, Montenegro
Pro Democracy Association, Romania
Local Democracy Centre LDA Nis, Serbia
Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Slovakia
Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs, Slovenia