LDA Zavidovici organized local event on the topic “Local youth councils as a form of citizens’ participation”. The event took place in the Municipality of Zavidovici on the 27th November 2014.
During the workshop there have been presented existing forms of citizens participation in the process of decision making with particular attention of the possibility to establish Muncipal youth council in Zavidovici as such bodies already exist in some municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, experience in establishing Local Youth Council of Reggio Emilia, Italy, and discussed ways for young people through these and similar bodies can establish cooperation with local authorities and play a role in making relevant decisions and policies. The event was attended by representatives of the local executive and legislative authorities, institutions, civil society organizations, youth associations, schools and others.
Guest speaker was Amila Dedic from KULT Sarajevo – Institute for youth development, that presented the concept of establishment of youth councils in accordance with the Law on Youth FBiH, conveyed positive examples as well as the challenges faced by established youth councils. Municipality Zavidovići has no established Youth Council, Ms Dedic presented the steps that should be taken by youth associations. Special emphasis is placed on creating a partnership with the authorities and institutions also improving youth policy in Zavidovici.
The activity took place within the project DECIDE, an initiative launched by ALDA that gathers 24 partners from 14 countries all across Europe.